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Mіrnae zhytstsё was parushana Vaina. Already 22 chervenya 1941. fascists have taken over Parechcha. She realized that the first repressions were made by the suprats of the party, the save and the Kamsamol workers, and the dachshund was yareeya. At the first days of the Vaina, Suddzya Laurok, prakuror Trusak, nastaўnik Andrei Miranyuk, elder of Paretskaga selsaveta R.A. Barisevich were upset. Parecchi didn’t have less to play with the padpol Kamsamol cell at the head of Tlyny V.M. Ale khutka i yany (Ilyin V.M., Firynovich I., Samoilik MI) were buried and upset. Syarod zhykharoў Parechcha was a sluggish kolkass yaureyaў. Les іх akazўsya tragic: іх sagnals ў geta (near the district of the city of Pyaski) i 5 lutaga 1943. upset 234 chalavek. Berag V. Malochnaga shot the hundred months of the Masavi. More than 100 zhykharo veski were pagnans to Germany. Fashysty amal poўnastsyu ragramіli locality: budynak school, INTO pachaў budavatstsa perad vaynoy, sorted out turmas for budaunіtstva, and the club sorted out for bunkers. Yes, the sennyashnyaga took over the house for an hour (hidden by V.Palyakov and V.R. Luxemburg), the nyamets' kamendatura was softened by the yakim.

Remembrance of Akhvyaram Fashizm му in Zapur'e

Tragic forest in. Zapur'e, the znakhodzitstsa is not far off the Hell of Parechcha. That memorable Saturday, 18 May 1943. zhykhary v. Zapur'e memorized on ўсё zhytstsё. 48 chalavek, syarod who were old and dzets, upset the fascists.

Remembrance of the Akhvyaram Fashizm ў c. Babina

1944 The Savetsky troops were observed and Grodna. Parshay Voskai Grodzenskag district, the yakuy got called out, became Pareccia. Yano was called to the troops of the 3rd guard of Grodzensk of the cavalry corps under the command of Lieutenant General M.S. Aslipoiskag. The corps of uvakhodzin near the warehouse of the 3rd hectare of the Belarusian front is under the command of General Charnyakhoskag. On the 11th of April there would be atrymans of the riddles of the commander to the offensive fronts near the Grodno district. General Aslipoўski vyrashyў attack on Grodna from the descent, the znakhodzilisya points of Azera, Parechcha, Rybnitsa, Gozha. The coming day was on the 12th day of the i-th day, the right one was chosen on the sidelines of the coming.

Echelons with gauntlets, ammunition, tanks, artillery were padrykhtavans and loads. At the geta moment at the dance of varvaўsya peradava atrad 6th guards kavaleriyskai dyvizіі (kamandzir - general-maier P.P. Brykel), 25th artyleriysk regiment padpalkoўnіk Lyaіpіna i 193 galavaenka atrakan ". Tankists from the paudnevaga to the descent, and from the nursery to the descent of the dancers to the cavalry. Parccia was summoned on 13 April 1944.

Bratskaya magіla

At the bratskai magіle kalya vakzal pakhavans 170 saved warriors (there are only 81 vyadoms), as they bent over the summoned Pareccia i navakol vyosak. The memory of pravayne does not fade away. Skin year, May 9, we know and know how tragic old days of Pareccia are.

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